Well--I reached the point where I'd said everything I could think of about introversion, so now I've moved on to another subject--one I'd really rather not have to write about but life doesn't always give us choices.
Please visit my new blog, Widow's Walk, in which I will dive into the world-changing, major bummer, unavoidable life crisis of losing a loved one.
If you're grieving, you may find insight or comfort. If you know someone who is grieving, it will help you understand better.
And you know, of course, that none of us gets through life without loss. So if you haven't experienced it yet--you will.
Please visit my new blog, Widow's Walk, in which I will dive into the world-changing, major bummer, unavoidable life crisis of losing a loved one.
If you're grieving, you may find insight or comfort. If you know someone who is grieving, it will help you understand better.
And you know, of course, that none of us gets through life without loss. So if you haven't experienced it yet--you will.